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The Smokehouse

A disused dreary metal structure sat empty for many years. It was The Greek Farmers vision that gave this idle grain silo a new lease of life, converting it into what we now use as our walk in Smokehouse.

The ‘Kapnistiri’, as it is known in Greek, is a traditional room for smoking food, dating back centuries to the paleolithic era. It was found that by smoking meat it would not only add flavour but also preserve too. This process was later combined with salt curing to produce a remarkably effective preservation process.

Smoking is an important process at The Greek Farmer HQ. It is a process that both assists in our ageing process and changes certain characteristics of the flavour profile of each type of cured meat.

We are not reinventing the wheel in what we do here at The Greek Farmer HQ. We are using traditional methods from the stone age period to provide produce that many generations have possibly missed out on due to the advent of modern transportation and refrigeration technologies.

Cold smoking is a method whereby wood is burnt to produce a smoke that does not cook the meat, the meat remains raw throughout the process.

The temperature of the smoke is important, at a certain temperature range the food will take on the smoke flavour but still remain relatively moist.

There are many different types of fuel; wood chippings, shavings & pellets to name a few, all of which we have tried and tested. Instead, we felt the authentic method of logs was what our customers would expect and most appropriate for our surroundings. In Cyprus wood from their surrounding area is used such as the Carob tree. We opted for the same ethos, fully seasoned oak logs locally sourced from sustainable woodlands, usually of thinning’s to allow further growth of other stronger trees.

We are extremely proud of our smokehouse and we certainly hope this is reflected in our end product.


Cold Smoking

We lightly smoke our meat for a minimum of 8 hours to give you the purest of flavours.


Oak logs

We only use air dried oak logs which are from local sustainably sourced woodlands.


Super-Heated Air

We use no artificial or natural firelighters, simply oak kindling and super-heated air.